Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is
A: is a lake property advertising service. We are here
to help individuals, realtors, and agents sell and rent lake property. We do not own any properties ourselves. We are
not a real estate company. We do not operate on a commission basis. Our service is lake property advertising for a flat fee. is also a lake information resource. We have included a lake map, weather, boating, fishing, camping, and
local area information for most of our lake pages. We hope you will visit us whenever you have any questions about a particular
lake. has been online since 1997 and is based in Mansfield,
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Q: Why should I advertise my lake property on
A: has many benefits over the other real estate
We challenge you to try searching for "(your state) lake property". is at the
top 5 (if not the first!) of almost all 50 states. is a specialized real estate service. Since we
only feature lake properties, your home or lake lot will not be lost among
thousands of other properties that are not lake related. Our
uniqueness is what brings you closer to making a sale or rental. Visitors
to are here looking specifically for lake property.
We have a member database consisting of over 130,000
buyers who have requested that we contact them about new
ads. As soon as your ad is posted, our Auto Notify system
sends out emails to the people whose search criteria match your
property's description. We may already have a buyer on file
just waiting to be informed about your property! services the entire United States. Most often,
buyers are not exactly sure which lake they want to buy property
on, so they search many. Here they can browse over 9,000
lakes with active listings, and make their search easier and quicker.
We've had lots of satisfied customers!
Read what they have to
say about their experience with
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Q: How do I advertise my property on
STEP 1: Read our
Terms of Use and
Privacy Policy.
Register if you are not already a
member. If you are a member,
LOGIN to your
STEP 3: Go to the
Advertising Rates page and select a single ad or multi-ad package.
STEP 4: Fill out an online form with your property information
STEP 5 Set your property location on the map
STEP 6: Add photos
STEP 7: Pay online with a credit card to activate your ad
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Q: What does it cost to advertise lake property on
A: Single ads are $89 (30 pics), are valid for 6 months and include:
- 15,000 character description of your property
- Featured Ads placement
(located on the left of every page of our website)
- Map link (for an exact location)
- Contact information (name, phone #, email)
- Link to another website (if you have one)
- Visitor counter
- Buyer/seller match-up - instant leads from our database
of 100,000+ potential customers!
Multi-ad packages are available for agents with
many lake properties to advertise. To see all of our multi-ad
CLICK HERE. Rates range from
(3) ad package for $189, up to 100 listings for $999.
Agent Spotlight ads are also available for a higher
profile ad, spotlighting your company or you as an agent.
Please call 888-933-LAKE(5253) or
send an email for more information.

We accept major credit cards, money orders and personal checks.
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Q: Can I advertise my property if it is not lakefront?
A: Sure you can! We do require that all properties advertised on this site be near a lake or river or the ocean. Lakefront is not a requirement. If your property is lake view or lake access, it is welcome here. We also accept properties with their own private lakes or ponds.
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Q: What is meant by a "FEATURED AD"?
A: Featured ads are randomly featured on all
webpages in the lefthand column. (5) different properties are
displayed at a time. Properties are also featured on the
various state pages, randomly, (5) at a time. This gives your
property optimum exposure. When you are on a particular Lake page, you will only see properties from that lake in the Featured column, as long as there are at least 5 properties currently being advertised on that lake.
If you are on a particular state page, you will only see properties
advertised from that state. It is completely random.
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Q: How do I update my ad?
A: You have 24 hour/7 day a week access to instantly update
your ad. Simply login to
your account and click on "Active Ads".
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Q: How do I pay for my ad?
A: If you skipped the payment page while submitting your ad, you
can pay for your ad by logging in here: LOGIN
and then clicking on the option " Activate/Pay/Renew" link that is next to your ad. If you are already logged in, click
here to go to your account: MY ACCOUNT
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Q: What if I forget my login id or password?
A: Your login id is your email address. If you do not remember
which email address you used, you can contact us, by using the
contact form and we
will look it up for you. If your email address has changed since
you registered with us, contact us and we can change it for you.
If you have forgotten your password, click on "Sign In" and then click on "Forgot Password".
You will receive an email very shortly with your password. The email will be sent to the email address with which you initially registered.
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Q: How do I update my password?
A: To update your password, LOGIN to your account. Click on UPDATE MY PROFILE, under the MEMBER INFO section. Change the password you see on your account. Re-enter your password on the next line. Then click on SAVE PROFILE at the bottom.
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Q: I am having problems logging in.
A: You may need to clear the cookies and temporary internet
files on your computer. You can also try to enter the website
thru a different URL. Try one of these:
Your computer must also be set up to accept cookies or you may
not be able to login.
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Q: How long will my ad be displayed?
A: All paid ads will be posted for 6 months or until you
disable it in your account. Ads that are part of a multi-ad package are valid for 12 months.
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Q: My property is listed with a realtor. Can I also advertise it here?
A: First you should check with your Realtor, but we have no
problem with advertising your property here, just like you
would in any newspaper. We will gladly list your Realtor's name
and phone number as the Contact.
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Q: Why can't I find "my" lake here?
A: If you do not see "your" lake listed here, it is because we have no current listings on that lake. If you want to advertise your property with us, and your lake is not in the drop down list, on the ad submission page, use the (pending lake) option and we will add the lake when your listing gets submitted.
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Q: How will I be contacted if someone is interested in my property?
A: We have (3) options available for buyers to contact you: by email, by phone, and by text. In the Contact section of your ad there will be a link to an
email contact form, so you can be directly contacted by
potential buyers. We do not display your email address for your privacy and protection. Anytime your email address is displayed on a website, it is likely to be retrieved by companies that send
out spam/junk emails. By using our "hidden email" technology,
you can still be directly notified, without your email address
being "exposed". Whether or not your phone number is displayed
is entirely up to you. It is not a required field. The other option is to have receive a text message. See the next question/answer for how to set that up.
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Q: How can I get text messages about my property?
A: On your account profile, the phone #1 should be your mobile phone number and your Mobile Phone Network should be selected. If your Mobile Phone Network is not in our list, please let us know and we will add it. When your Mobile Phone Network is selected, a button will appear on your listing to give buyers the option to text you. This button is only visible on mobile/cell phones. It will not appear on desktop computers.
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Q: What is the difference between a "website click" and a "view
A: A "website click" is increased when someone clicks on an
external website/http. This is for people that have another
website where they are advertising their property. Many real
estate businesses use to drive more visitors to
their company's website. We have this count on their ads to let
them know how many people are doing that. A "view count" is
increased when someone clicks on your ad to see all the
details. This count goes up when you visit your ad, but only
counts one time every 24 hours.
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Q: If I pay for an ad and that property sells, can I replace the
ad with another property without paying again?
A: No. As stated in our
AD GUIDELINES AND RULES each ad is for one specific property. Once it is sold, you must mark it as sold within your "My Dream Home Account". Any new properties can only be advertised by submitting a new ad.
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Q: Where is my ad?
A: Your ad will be located in your account on the "Active Ads" page upon successful completion of your credit card payment.
If there was a error with your credit card transaction, your ad will be located on the " Inactive Ads" page. Click on the Activate/Pay/Renew link to complete payment and activate your ad.
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Q: How do I post my ad to the Facebook page?
1. Go to your ad's detail page to get your ad's URL, such as : - replacing the 999999 with your ad number. Copy the URL by selecting it in the address bar and then right click on your mouse and select COPY.
2. Go to our facebook page at
. Or search for in the Facebook search box. Click on the LIKE box.
3. Click in the "Write Something..." box and then PASTE your ad's URL, using right click.
4. Click on POST.
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Q: I uploaded my photos. Why are they not displaying?
A: If you do not see photos on your ad, they did not successfully upload.
You can try again and upload them one at a time or email them to photos(at), replacing the (at) with @
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Q: What if I do not have photos of my property?
A: When you submit an ad, you are not required to
add photos. If you want to add or change them at any time, you
can login to
your account and upload, change, or delete photos.
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Q: Is there a limit on the size of photo I can submit?
A: For fastest uploading times, we recommend resizing your pictures to less than 6 mb. Our system will automatically change the dimensions (height and width) of the photo, if necessary, so it will fit on a computer screen.
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Q: What formats are allowed for photos?
A: Your photos must be in either .jpg or .gif format to load properly to your ad.
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Q: What is the difference between .bmp, .jpg, and .gif photo formats?
A: A photo stored in bitmap format (.bmp) is not as internet efficient as a photo stored in .jpg or .gif format. For example,
a 600k bitmap photo is only approx. 60k in .jpg format. If you have photo editing software that can convert a bitmap photo to
a .jpg photo, then you will get the best photo type for use on the internet and this website.
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Q: What if I don't know how to upload photos or have photo editing software?
A: If you do not know how to upload photos, you can email them to photos(at), replacing the (at) with @. Please include your ad # with your request. You should receive an automated email response from the Photos Department, letting you know that your photos were emailed successfully. If you do not receive a response, we have not received your photos. Please call 888-933-5253, M-F, 8 am - 5 pm, for further assistance.
If you do not have electronic versions of your pictures (in .jpg or .gif formats), you can send them to us by regular mail to, 5301 Hidden Valley Ct, Mansfield, Texas 76063 and we will scan and add them for you, at no extra charge. If you want your photos returned to you, please include a self addressed stamped envelope. Label the pictures with your ad number and in what order you want them.
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Q: How can I change my photos?
A: If you have uploaded your allowed number of photos, you must first delete a photo to add another. When changing/updating photos, you must click on REFRESH or Press F5 key to refresh the thumbnail (small) photos. If you are on a Mac, look for the REFRESH or RELOAD button, typically located by the URL at the top left of the page (in Chrome), and the top right of the page (in Safari), or click on RELOAD PAGE under the VIEW tab, or Command R.
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Q: I have changed my photos but the old ones still show up?
A: Go to your ad from the home page ( and click REFRESH or Press F5 key and you will see the new pictures. If you are on a Mac, look for the REFRESH or RELOAD button, typically located by the URL at the top left of the page (in Chrome), and the top right of the page (in Safari), or click on RELOAD PAGE under the VIEW tab, or Command R.
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Q: How do I upload pictures taken with a mobile device, such as an iphone, ipad or tablet?
A: When taking photos with your mobile device, you must hold the device in landscape mode (long ways across), with the home button on your right side. The camera lens should be located in the top left corner as you are holding it. If it is not held this way, your pictures may upload sideways or perhaps upside down. There is an option available to rotate your photos, on your account page.
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